Net Zero 2050 – Are you ready?
Monitoring and managing your GHG emissions is an
essential part of the process.

Net Zero 2050
In 2019, the UK Government and the devolved administrations committed to the Net Zero target as recommended by the Committee on Climate Change. Reaching net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions requires extensive changes across the economy, but the foundations are in place. Major infrastructure decisions need to be made in the near future and quickly implemented. These changes are unprecedented in their overall scale, but large-scale transitions have been achieved successfully in the UK before, such as the natural gas switchover in the 1970s or the switch to digital broadcasting in the 2000s.
Help to Achieve Net Zero
– Become lean, clean and green, carbon neutral
– Measure and manage all your business GHG emissions
– Change your business and supply chain behaviours
– Integrate your energy and business strategies
– Improve performance
– Reduce costs
– Reduce waste
Why work with icSynergy?
In addition to our full-scope energy saving technical solutions, we can provide you with immediate access and use of our ISO50001 accredited energy and environmental management system called Energinet.
Energinet is a cloud-based business tool which provides:
All on one multi user, multi building and multi-site platform. Energinet can also import data manually or automatically from existing measurement systems, BMS, utility suppliers and third-party supplier/contractors.

How can we help you contribute to Net Zero & become Carbon Neutral?
We can help you ‘Take Back Control’ of Your Energy and Environmental Data.
To create an energy strategy which supports business planning accurate and reliable energy and environmental data is essential.
Our lean approach will integrate your energy and environmental data on one business platform capable of importing and exporting data in business familiar formats.
Built around ISO14001 and ISO50001 formats to enable generation of GHG data and environmental reports.
User Friendly Reporting & Management
Our business energy monitoring system has been designed with users in mind and to make it as simple and easy to navigate your way through and you find that all information is available within three clicks. Using reports, ET curves (Energy/Temperature) or alerts in case of deviations, Energinet will soon become your key tool in energy saving
Energy Saving Roadmap & Government Reports
Energinet is the complete management software to manage energy consumption. In addition, it documents and verifies the results of investing in and implementing Energy Saving Measures whilst ensuring you meet the requirements of the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard, ISO 14064, ISO 50001, ISO 15927 and DIN EN 16247
Unlimited Data Monitoring Points & Users
With Energinet, you have complete and efficient control of all the energy consumption of your buildings. The system is modular so there is no limitation to the number of users. If you want to expand your operations you simply need to add more monitoring points. More points, more data, more savings.